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creeping banksia | banksia petiolaris

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Posted by EDITOR 11 May 2010 - 10:34:00 AM

I can't leave the groundcover banksias without touching on at least one of the bizarre creeping species from WA.
When the standard banksia experience is of trees or robust shrubs, to come across the ground-hugging Banksia petiolaris is an unexpected delight.
Its furry stems running across the surface of the ground send up vertical leaves like wavy, serrated tongues dark on one side and whitish on the reverse. I don't know why they bothered to research it, but a CSIRO study found these leaves can live for up to 13 years. They're tough.
But trickier under more humid conditions than they get in their dry and sandy origins so very well-drained, airy conditions are a starting point on the east coast.
As with all banksias, the spring flower spikes – a bit of a hidden treasure among the leaves – are just as ornamental when in bud, browning-off or when they've turned into spiky fruit.

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