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yellow barleria | barleria micans

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Posted by EDITOR 24 May 2010 - 12:53:00 PM

It can take a while for the growing seasons to work themselves up into a warmer climate.

I noticed a couple of essentially tropical plants in Sydney over the weekend looking healthy and hitting a peak – finally getting there at the end of autumn and just as the cold that will soon knock them back starts to grip.

This Yellow Barleria (Barleria micans) would have been flowering for a while further north but pushing it toward its growing limits here for a belated and abbreviated season is still probably worth it – for a soft sub-shrub to about 1m high with cheery yellow flowers even in fairly shady positions.

Not easy to find but it would be as easy to propagate from cuttings as other ‘shrimp plants' in the Acanthaceae family like Justicia brandegeeana and Pachystachys lutea if you can find it.

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