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purple sugar cane

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Posted by EDITOR 25 May 2010 - 11:28:00 AM

The second of the tropical plants I mentioned yesterday was this Purple Sugar Cane (Saccharum officinarum var. violaceum).

It's like a tall – but even more cold-sensitive – version of the Purple Fountain Grass (Pennisetum advena 'Rubra') that's become so popular so quickly.

Not looking at all ratty or diseased as sugar cane can – even when it's not pushed to the limits of its cold tolerance. This one's clearly well-fed and watered.

It's probably too high-maintenance and impermanent to plant en masse as a background or screen. But even as a feature planting as here, starting with a couple more plants knitting into a denser clump would have worked as an even better accent. Then again, what's there should eventually fill out to a really handsome clump.

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