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chinese pistachio | pistacia chinensis

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Posted by EDITOR 4 Jun 2010 - 12:04:00 PM

One of the deciduous trees that manages to put on a fair bit of autumn colour – even in Sydney – and hold it late into the season is the Chinese Pistachio (Pistacia chinensis).

There's plenty to like about it but for me the key feature of this species is the fruit. Always decorative as they turn from duck egg to dark blue and then red over autumn, the bunches are most exotic when they're a mix of these colours.

But on my street they no longer get much of a chance to ripen red. For the last few years, it seems the parrot telegraph has spread the word. An ever-growing swarm of corellas and cockatoos descends for a noisy feast each morning from early autumn. Really early in the morning.

On the way to work, neighbours enjoy this unexpected and hilarious inner-city show of feathered clowns. Perched in branches in their scores and stripping the two trees. Waddling along the road picking through the wreckage. Until nothing much is left.

Nobody who knows better parks a car under the trees during this period.

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