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qld pittosproum | auranticarpa rhombifolia

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Posted by EDITOR 18 Jun 2010 - 12:48:00 PM

Another of the less acknowledged displays of seasonal colour is the tree laden with winter fruit.

Dropping in on my parents the other day presented a nostalgic view out the back to my father's orange trees heavy with their sweet and cheerful baubles. His old Washington Navel has recovered from a severe and irrational (I know better than to try to understand his logic) hacking back a few years ago and a younger blood orange is punching well above its weight.

Driving away I noticed that a favourite native tree with its own take on orange winter fruit had also come into season – the QLD or Diamond Leaf Pittosporum no longer classified as a Pittosporum and renamed Auranticarpa rhombifolia.

I suspect one reason this tree has been under-valued is because the colour orange has so long been unpopular. That seems to be changing. I know I've changed my mind on orange.

The fruit and the big fluffy heads of white flowers in late spring seem to wither away without making much of a mess below though I wouldn't necessarily place it too close to a pool and its filters. But what I really like about this tree is its silver-grey trunk. Not exactly Ghost Gum white but still pretty dramatic in a landscape against a dark background.

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