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orange trumpet creeper | pyrostegia venusta

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Posted by EDITOR 19 Jun 2010 - 7:37:00 AM

As much as I admire that other orange winter spectacle – the unmistakeable Orange Flame Creeper (Pyrostegia venusta) – there is something sinister about it.

It seems to spring out of nowhere. Dark and unnoticed without a single flower while it's warm. Then – bang. It reveals it's this massive thing that's completely smothering everything it's touched.

And despite my conversion to orange, there's something a bit off about that orange over that particular green of its leaves.

But still, what a sight!

Next posts will be from England.

Comments (1)

Re: SILENTSHOPPER 18 Aug 2010 - 1:57:00 PM

Orange is meant to be a sign of beauty, so I heard recently. So it is saying here I am, and aren't I ever beautiful. It is not ready to show it's true colour until it can make a statement which you have already mentioned is often when it has taken over. Sounds like some people I know. Maybe plants and people are more alike than we realise.

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