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definitely not 'fire-proof'

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Posted by EDITOR 10 Mar 2010 - 8:19:00 AM

While storm-resistant plants are the topical subject, it wasn't so long ago we were preoccupied with fire. It's argued the terms ‘fire-resistant' and ‘fire-retardant' plants are misleading. OK, no plant is going to resist fire indefinitely – and bushfires do seem to have been getting more intense. Are they ‘fire-averse'? ‘Fire-reluctant'? ‘Fire-slow'? Any way, any first-hand reports of what plants have proven slower to catch alight would be a valuable contribution to the pool of horticultural knowledge.

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Gold Dust Wattle

Plant type: evergreen shrub
H: 2.5m W: 3m
Sunlight: hot overhead sun to dappled light

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Fast plant facts

Belinda, Padstow NSW
When doing water changes on fishtanks, (not saltwater);, use this on your pot plants on foliage and roots. It feeds them and keeps them green.


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