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flaming torch bromeliad

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Posted by EDITOR 7 Apr 2010 - 8:01:00 AM

I like a useful common name and Flaming Torch sums it up well for Billbergia pyramidalis flowering recently. It's also called Foolproof Plant – which would be misleading in too dry and sunny a position. But it does suggest how willingly this multiplies into massed clumps passed around over generations to become one of the most widely seen bromeliads. It's not so widely grown commercially anymore for the same reasons: growers get better margins from more select bromeliad hybrids. So pinch a bit from your nanna.

Comments (1)

Re: HATTERS 8 Apr 2010 - 11:17:00 PM

I love bromeliads, I find they grow really well under exposed balconies and alongside stairs where there isn't too much sun, they really soften the edges in those otherwise ugly, useless and cramped spaces in the yard. When they flower, it's superb.

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