seb's plants - welcome

five formative encounters with flowers: 2

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Posted by EDITOR 13 Apr 2010 - 8:40:00 AM

Many of my family colonised St Ives in Sydney's upper north shore with their market gardens. The entrancing rows of carnations must have been a substantial part of their income. It's now more a memory imprinted from re-runs of home movies but as a boy in the early 70's I'd revel in being wheel-barrowed around among buckets of my uncle's carnations.
Carnations were also the standard stock taken on a typical Italian outing to refresh flower arrangements in the family vault at the cemetery. Usually red or white. My favourite was yellow with red picotee or flecks.

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Gold Dust Wattle

Plant type: evergreen shrub
H: 2.5m W: 3m
Sunlight: hot overhead sun to dappled light

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Re-potting in late winter lets a plant adjust before the growing season begins. Start by giving your plant a good drink at least an hour before the operation.


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