seb's plants - welcome

five formative encounters with flowers: 4

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Posted by EDITOR 15 Apr 2010 - 8:44:00 AM

The frangipani is another trite favourite plant for Sydney-siders. My fixation on them started with visits to my godmother in the southern suburb of Beverly Hills. I didn't know it at the time but in this marginal territory for frangipanis, hers had become a grand specimen in a perfect position nestled up with the reflected heat of a north-facing brick wall. With so many beautiful and fragrant flowers to collect from the ground I was willing to overlook my youthful distaste of their succulent bare branches – an aversion I have since outgrown.

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Plant of the Day

Red Mahogany

Plant type: evergreen tree
H: 35m W: 15m
Sunlight: hot overhead sun to warm low sun

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Fast Facts

Decide if the garden design needs a formal, clipped hedge; or a looser look where flowers or fruit can be left to grow. Also consider the desired height of the hedge.


Palmetto Soft Leaf Buffalo is ideally suited as a lawn in many applications.

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