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driveway screen trees

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Posted by THETECHNOLOGIST 21 Jul 2010 - 6:57:00 PM

Hi guys, I have a long driveway that I would like to screen down one side. I am looking for a tree that effectively screens like a Spartan conifer but something that attracts birds etc... any help would be appreciated.

Comments (1)

Re: EDITOR 26 Jul 2010 - 5:13:00 PM

Tough one since that dense, narrow habit is largely confined to conifers - though it could be argued even they provide habitat for birds. Also hard to say without knowing the conditions. But maybe Banksia ericifolia, Acacia cognata 'Lime Magik', Agonis flexuosa purpureum 'Burgundy', Callitris oblonga, Melaleuca bracteata 'Revolution Gold'. There is a very upright lilly pilly called Syzygium 'Pinnacle' but it is susceptible to psyllid attack.

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