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Posted by BLAY87 9 Aug 2010 - 11:36:00 PM

Yesterday I had I have plant stems! It seems that my garden has some very hungry caterpillar's and friends! My gardening guru mother has suggested that this is something that happens with slaters - anyone else had this problem and any ideas on how to combat it?? I want to see the fruits (or rather the veggies) of my labor :) :)

Comments (2)

Re: EDITOR 16 Aug 2010 - 3:52:00 PM

Australia's garden pest & disease expert Judy McMaugh agrees that slaters can sometimes lop seedlings at their base. But that's also the trademark of the cutworms – the soil-dwelling larvae of various moths including the bogong. If vegies are the victim, cutworms are the likely culprits.

Re: SILENTSHOPPER 18 Aug 2010 - 1:39:00 PM

I have also had something very similar happen to my seedling lettuce and carrots to my suprise, one night I happened to be outside and checked them & it was a night time eating huge caterpillar. Check at night. The other things to have a think about could be rats and possums as if hungry or your veggies seem delicious then they will also eat them off at the base. Hope this might help. Cheers

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