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coffee arabica

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Posted by FERNTREE 30 Aug 2010 - 10:34:00 PM

I had planned to plant a few coffee arabica plants later this months. Now, at the Kuring-gai Council (Syndey) wild flower festival I picked up a council brochure listed all types of weeds. I found coffee arabica listed there. Does that mean it is an offence to plant a few of these plants or on complaints by neighbours I have to remove them?

Comments (1)

Re: EDITOR 1 Sept 2010 - 11:02:00 AM

A plant can ultimately produce a lot of berries and there are restrictions in Queensland and northern NSW. But Ku-ring-gai Council's website doesn't currently mention it as a noxious weed, nuisance plant or urban environmental weed so it's no offence there. (Hard to know why it's ended up in their printed literature.) And I haven't heard any rumblings about its weed potential as far south as Sydney where it's growing in the Botanic Gardens.

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