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snake plant | sansevieria trifasciata

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Posted by EDITOR 29 Apr 2010 - 5:07:00 PM

One plant that the designer in me likes to use is the Snake Plant or Mother-in-Law's Tongue. But even the name is divisive.
As much as I discourage the idea of ‘no-maintenance' plants, this one comes close. It gets by in most places without any extra water or food, doesn't care much about the amount of sun, stays upright and out of the way and so doesn't need pruning or tidying even in really narrow borders where it will continue to look both healthy and sculptural even when it's multiplied to the point of over-crowding itself. And though not exactly reliable or a feature, it also gets spikes of pretty flowers that are fragrant.
Plants with leaves edged white or yellow really pop in shady positions (if they'll grow there) and my preference has always been for this laurentii variety with the yellow trim.
Yet it's hard to convince many people. It seems there's not much cross-over between those who like flowers, frills and romance and those who are into succulents like this. And there's just no way around taste.

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Vicki,  NSW
Leave your light leaf clippings on the garden, great for water retention & nutrients as they mulch down.


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